Research Results List

- A paper related to Assistant Professor Sekine "Low Operating Voltage and Highly Pressure-Sensitive Printed Sensor for Human Vital Sign Monitoring with Analogic Amplifier Circuit" was released on ACS Applied Electronic Materials.

- Professor Tokito gave an invited talk at The First German-Japanese Nanotechnology Commercialization Workshop.(Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo)on January 30.

- Professor Tokito gave a keynote speech at The 7th Germany-Japan Joint Workshop.(Tokyo International Forum) on January 28.

- Associate Professor Nagamine gave an invited talk at The First International Conference of Polymeric and Organic Materials in Yamagata University(IPOMY).(Denkoku-no-Mori, Yonezawa) on January 26.

- M1 Student Ichimura and Tsuburaoka gave a poster presentation at The First International Conference of Polymeric and Organic Materials in Yamagata University(IPOMY).(Denkoku-no-Mori, Yonezawa) on January 25.

- A co-authored paper by Professor Tokito, "Fabrication of a Flexible Biosensor Based on an Organic Field-effect Transistor for Lactate Detection" were published in the Analytical Sciences.

- A co-authored paper by Assistant Professor Takeda, "Three-dimensional monolithic integration in flexible printed organic transistors" was published in the Nature Communication.