Research Results List
Recent posts 20

- Clay Shepherd , the visiting professor of our laboratory ,will give an invited speech at Virtual FLEX Conference & Exhibition 2021( Virtual via the Zoom platform combined with the networking platform Swap Card ) on February 24.

- A joint research paper related to the visiting professor Isao Shitanda of Tokyo University of Science and our laboratory titled "Paper-based Lactate Biofuel Cell Array with High Power Output" was published in Journal of Power Sources.

- A paper related to Sukuru Minamiki (who is in National Institute of Advanced Industrial ScienceTechnology and graduated from our laboratory )and Professor Tokito titled "Flexible organic thin-film transistor immunosensor printed on a one-micron-thick film” was published in Communications Materials .

- A paper related to Yuki Maruyama(D2) titled " A heat-melt adhesive-assisted transferable electrode films " was published in Journal of scientific reports.

- March 1, 2021 (Monday) 13: 00-17: 45 , a lecture related to Professor Tokito at Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Thin Film 131st Committee・R025 Advanced Thin Film Interface Function Creation Committee titled " Health management and medical application of printed organic sensors that contribute to the realization of Society 5.0" will be held on the web.

- A requested lecture was held on the web by Professor Tokito, Assistant Professor Takeda, and Associate Professor Yoshida at the Printable Wearable Study Group On December 17 .

- The state of the exhibition of our laboratory at the JFlex2021 will be reported by LIVE from 15:00 to 16:30 on December 9 .

- A paper related to Assistant Professor Sekine and Ms.Abe(M1) titled "Microporous Induced Fully Printed Pressure Sensor for Wearable Soft Robotics Machine Interfaces" was published in Advanced Intelligent Systems.

- A paper related to Mr.Miura (M1) and Assistant Professor Sekine titled "Printed Soft Sensor with Passivation Layers for the Detection of Object Slippage by a Robotic Gripper" was published in Micromachines(MDPI).

- A research activities of our lab. related to Professor Tokito titled "Printable Flexible Sensing Device technology that can be measured impact and temperature” was introduced at SIP Smart Logistics Service Symposium 2020(Vision Center Nagatacho, Tokyo) on November 6.

- Professor Tokito will give an invited speech titled "Flexible Printed Organic Electronics and Potential Applications” at 6th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Virtual Conference) on February 1-3, 2021.

- The research activities of our lab. related to the printed device technology was introduced in the TV show "Galileo X" on October 11.

- Professor Tokito gave an invited talk titled "Printed Organic Electronics contribute to the realization of a safe and secure society in future." at the 10th CSJ Chemistry Festa 2020(Online) on October 22.

- An article related to Professor Tokito titled "3D Printed Electronics" was published in the Journal of The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging.

- A paper related to Assistant Professor Sekine titled "Improvement of Chemical Stability in Electrochemical Migration Resistance in Printed Silver Electrodes" was published in the Journal of The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging.

- Associate Professor Matsui gave an invited speech "Flexible and Printed Organic Transistors and Their Application to Electrochemical Health Monitors." at ECS Student Chapter Yamagata and Montreal joint Virtual Symposium on July 31st at 9:00 AM JST or July 30th at 8:30 PM EDT.

- A Paper on the results of joint research between our laboratory and POSTECH, Korea titled "A Flexible 3D Organic Preamplifier for a Lactate Sensor" was published in Macromolecular Bioscience.

- A paper related to Assistant Professor Yi-Fei Wang titled "Printed Strain Sensor with High Sensitivity and Wide Working Range Using a Novel Brittle-Stretchable Conductive Network" was published in Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces.

- A paper related to Project Researcher Subhash Singh titled "Flexible inkjet-printed dual-gate organic thin film transistors and PMOS inverters: Noise margin control by top gate" was published in Organic Electronics.

- A paper related to Assistant Professor Sekine titled "Polymer sensor mounting on soft robot's hand" was published in The Society of Polymer Science Japan.