Research Results List

- Associate Professor Kumaki gave a poster prensentaion at the 2nd COI Conference (Miraikan Hall Tokyo) on September 19.

- We gave 1 oral and 7 poster presentations from our laboratory at The 80th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2019. (Hokkaido University, Hokkaido) on September 18-21.

- Assistant Professor Wang gave a poster presentation at the 2nd Soft-Robo Sousei Symposium (Yamagata University, Yonezawa) on September 12

- Associate Professor Matsui gave an oral presentation at The Physical Society of Japan (Gifu University, Gifu ) on September 12.

- Professor Tokito gave an invited talk at Sensor・Actuator・Micro-nano / week 2019 Symposium (Tokyo Big Sight) on September 11.

- Associate Professor Nagamine gave an oral presentation at ECSJ Fall Meeting, 2019 (Yamanashi University, Kofu Campus, Yamanashi) on September 6.

- D2 student K. Sasaki gave an oral presentation at the 13th Bio-related chemistry symposium ( Tohoku University, Miyagi) on September 5.

- D1 student Y. Maruyama gave an oral presentation at ECSJ Fall Meeting, 2019 (Yamanashi University, Yamanashi) on September 5.

- Associate Professor Nagamine gave an invited talk at 7th Bio-related chemistry symposium Young Forum (Tohoku University, Miyagi ) on September 3.

- Professor Tokito gave a keynote speech at KFPE (Korea Flexible & Printed Electronics Society) 2019 (RAMADA PLAZA JEJU HOTEL, Korea) on September 2.

- Associate Professor Matsui gave an invited speech at YONEZAWA Electoronics Industrial Association (Denkoku-no-Mori ,Yonezawa) on August 30.

- Professor Tokito gave an invited talk at IMID 2019 (HICO, Gyeongju, Korea) on August 28.

- 10 commentary articles written by Tokito Lab staffs were published in the magazine named "Clean Technology" issued by JAPAN INDUSTRIAL PUBLISHING CO., LTD. in August (Vol.29 No.8) as the cover story of "Printed device technology".

- Professor Tokito gave an invited talk at IEEE IFETC 2019 (Simon Fraser University’s Harbour Centre ,Vancouver, BC, Canada) on August 14.

- A review article written by Professor Tokito, titled "Progress of Flexible Printed Organic Electronics" was published by Journal of the society of Photography and imaging of Japan (2019, Vol.56, No.3, p124-130).

- Professor Tokito gave a Keynote speech at 17th Forum of Young Scientists (Saitama Institute of Technology, Saitama) on August 5.

- Professor Tokito gave an invited talk at 14th 有機デバイス・物性院生研究会. (Tokyo University, Hongo campus) on August 2.

- Associate Professor Matsui gave an invited speech at the CEMS Topical Meeting on Organic Photoelectronics: Theory, Materials, Interfaces, and Spectroscopy (Riken, Wako City, Saitama Pref., Japan) on July 25.

- Professor Tokito gave an invited talk at 2nd PRINTED ELECTORONICS ASSOCIATION (Osaka University Nakanoshima Center, Saji Keizo Memorial Hall) on July 19.

- A paper related to Associate Professor Nagamine, "Noninvasive Sweat-Lactate Biosensor Employing a Hydrogel-Based Touch Pad” was published on Scientific Reports.