Research Results List
Recent posts 20

- Assosiate prof. Izumi presented at Philosophy and Purpose of Education and Research (University of Nutrition Sciences)

- Prof. Tokito gave an invited talk at "The Kinki Chemical Society, Japan"

- "The Chemical Daily, March issue" released Professor Tokito's explanation article

- Assistant Prof. Minami's paper published at Japan Journal of Applied Physics

- Assistant Prof. Minami's paper “Detection of mercury(II) ion in water using an organic field-effect transistor with a cysteine-immobilized gold electrode” was published in Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.

- Assistant Prof. Minami's paper “Selective nitrate detection by an enzymatic sensor based on an extended-gate type organic field-effect transistor” was published in Biosensors and Bioelectronics.

- Assistant Prof. Minami's paper published at "Chemistry Letters"

- Assistant Prof. Minami's paper “Electric Detection of Phosphate Anions in Water by an Extended-Gate Type Organic Field-Effect Transistor Functionalized by a Zinc(II)-Dipicolylamine Derivative” was published in Chemistry Letters.

- Associate Professor. Kumaki presented a talk at "COI 2021 Conference" in Tokyo, on 29th of Jan

- prof. Shiba will give a talk at "Printable Electronics Seminar" in Tokyo, on 29th of Jan

- Prof. Shiba give a talk at "Printable Electronics seminar" at Tokyo Big site, on 29th of Jan

- Prof. Tokito gave a Keynote lecture at 4th Germany-Japan Joint Workshop "Organic Electronics and Nano Materials for Energy"on 25th of Jan

- Prof. Tokito gave a lecture at special symposium for iFront on 21th of Jan

- Convertech & e-Print January / February 2016 has published Prof. Tokito, Researcher Izumi and Yoshida 's article

- Associate prof. Minami presented, PhD. student Minamiki and B4 student Sasaki poster presented at CEMSupra 2016 on 13th to 14th of Jan ain University of Tokyo

- Mr. Minamiki's paper “Antibody- and Label-Free Phosphoprotein Sensor Device Based on an Organic Transistor” was published in Analytical Chemistry.

- Prof. Tokito gave a talk as an invited speaker at SLiT-J (Synchrotron Light in Tohoku, Japan).

- Prof. Tokito gave a talk as an invited speaker at P&I Research Symposium 2015.

- The 12th JST/CIC was held in Campus innovation Center Tokyo. Tokito lab presented 3 topics.

- Mr. Sugano's paper "Enhanced memory characteristics in organic ferroelectric field-effect transistors through thermal annealing" was published in AIP Advances.