Research Results List
Recent posts 20

- Professor Tokito gave an Invited Lecture in “JSAC 66 annual meeting” held at Tokyo University of science, Katsushika campus on September 9-12.

- Yui SASAKI (M2) presented a poster at "The 11th Bio joint symposium" in University of Tokyo, Yayoi campus on September 7-9.

- There were 6 oral presentations and 1 poster presentation from our laboratory at The 78th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2017, Fukuoka on September 5-8.

- Associate Professor Nagamine gave an invited talk "Development of an Organic Field-Effect Transistor-Based Biosensor for Application in Personal Healthcare" at 2017ICFPE, The SHILLA HOTEL, Jeju Island, Korea on September 7.

- Dr. Sekine gave an invited talk "Printed Wearable Physical Sensor using Ferroelectric Polymer" at 2017ICFPE, The SHILLA HOTEL, Jeju Island, Korea on September 7.

- RC Associate Professor Izumi and Yoshida Researcher presented to MES2017 at Chukyo University Nagoya Campus, Aichi on August 29.

- (M2) Kazuma HAYASAKA's Paper "Compact Organic Complementary D-Type Flip-Flop Circuits Fabricated with Inkjet Printing" was published in the Advanced Electronic Materials.

- Professor Tokito gave an invited talk at The 374th The Society of Rubber Science and Technology, Yamagata University (Yonezawa campus), Japan.

- Associate Professor Furusawa gave an oral presentation at The 27th Bio / polymer symposium.(Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama Campus) on July 28.

- Professor Tokito gave an invited talk「Flexible and Printed Organic TFT Devices and IoT Sensor Applications」at "Carbon-based Nnaodevices and Flexible Electronics"(Beijing China).

- Associate Professor Nagamine gave an Invited talk at the "新化学技術推進協会電子情報技術部会・次世代エレクトロニクス分科会 講演会" (Yamagata) on July 21.

- Professor Tokito gave an invited talk at "Yonezawa Kougyou-kai" (Yamagata Grand Hotel) in Yamagata on July 15.

- Chemistry Open released Ms. SASAKi's(M2) co-authored paper “Label-Free Direct Electrical Detection of a Histidine-Rich Protein with Sub-Femtomolar Sensitivity using an Organic Field-Effect Transistor”

- Professor Tokito gave an invited talk at "The 109th The Research Association for Organic Devices (TRAD)" in SHIZUOKA university on May 26.

- Chemistry Open accepted Ms. Yui SASAKi(M1)'s Co-authored papers of “Label-Free Direct Electrical Detection of a Histidine-Rich Protein with Sub-Femtomolar Sensitivity using an Organic Field-Effect Transistor”

- Chemical communications accepted Ms. Yui SASAKI(M2)'s paper “A molecular self-assembled colourimetric chemosensor array for simultaneous detection of metal ions in water”

- Professor Tokito gave a talk at "NIKKEI BP GIJYUTSUSHA JUKU" in Shinbashi, Tokyo on May 19.

- Professor SHIBA's interpretive article was published in BIOINDUSTRY 2017, May Issue.

- Research Collaboration Associate Professor IZUMI's article “Novel Soft Blanket Gravure Printing Technology with an Improved Ink Transfer Process” accepted to Flexible and Printed Electronics

- "Flexible and Printed Electronics" accepted Research Collaboration Associate Professor IZUMI 's paper “Novel Soft Blanket Gravure Printing Technology with an Improved Ink Transfer Process”