News List
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- Professor Tokito gave a special talk at "Yamagata semiconductor sangyou kyougikai soukai"

- Associate Prof. Furusawa gave an invited talk at "The 26th Tokai mini symposium" about "research and development of organic biosensors for a health and longevity-conscious society" on 20th of Sep

- Associate Prof. Furusawa gave an invited talk at The26th Toukai mini symposium in Toyota chuo research center

- "EE Times japan" published Tokito labo`s article "4 researchers established printed electronics in Yamagata University"at 10:30am in June, 21

- Yamagata TV(YTS) broad cast at Jun, 14th (18:30~) about Tokito labo`s article.

- Convertech magazine published Tokito lab`s article "Applying the research achievements of Yamagata University’s Tokito Lab, a venture company was established to producer silver nanoparticle inks for printed electronics" Jun, 2016 issue

- Dr. Nouno (from YOKOGAWA) became a visiting associate professor in Tokito lab.

- "EE Times Japan" delivered Tokito labo`s article of future inc cop.

- Tokito labo briefing about "The future inc coop"

- Yamagata News Paper published "Future inc coop"

- Yamagata News Paper published the article of Yamagata University`s venture

- Associate Professor Minami received "The 63th JSAP presentation award"

- President press conference released Tokito labo`s venture company

- Tokito labo press released of Venture company

- Professor Tokito gave an invited talk at IEEE NANO 2016(sendai), Aug,22 to 25

- 2016ICFPE, Paper submission date has extended!!(15,Jun,2016)

- PhD.student Minamiki became JSPS DC2(1, April, 2016 to 31, March, 2018)

- PhD. student. Minamiki received ”The 96th Spring student Lecture Awards" at The Chemical Society of Japan

- Professor Tokito gave a talk at ”Research Group on Electrical and Electronic Properties of Polymer and Organics” 7, July, 2016

- The 119th ROEL Lecture Session: Guest speaker : Dr. Ryosuke KUWATA(Project Far East)