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- Nikkei online technology released ICFPE2016's article "Paving the way for fully printed devices with organic semiconductor TFT materials" on Sep, 26.

- Professor Tokito gave a talk about "Newly Developed Printing Technologies for 3D Printed Electronics" at Manchester, UK in NIP32 from Sep, 12 to 16.

- Tokito group present 2 oral and 3 poster at The 77th JSAP Autumn Meeting, 2016.

- Professor Tokito gave a keynote talk about "Flexible and Printed Organic Electronics Overview of Printable Materials, OTFT Devices, and Applications"at KoPEA (Daejeon, Korea) on 22th of Sep.

- ICFPE2016 held in yonezawa from 6, Sep to 8, Sep was concluded. More than 400 people participated. Thank you for your cooperation.

- More that 400 people participated to ICFPE2016. Thank you for your cooperation.

- PhD students Minamiki and Sugano received "student poster award" at ICFPE2016. Congratelations!!

- Research collaboration associate prof Izumi received "MES2015 Best Paper Award" at MES2016. Conglatelations!!

- Yamagata News paper released the article "Researchers gathered from around the world to discuss printed electronic circuit technology " of ICFPE2016 on 7, Sep

- Asahi News paper【Yamagata】 published the article of "5th anniversary of ROEL" greeting by Prof Tokito

- B4 student Tsuburaoka adopted NIMS2016 internship.

- Mr. Tsuburaoka(B4) adopted to internship at NIMS

- PhD student Takeda's paper “Fabrication of Ultra-Thin Printed Organic TFT CMOS Logic Circuits Optimized for Low-Voltage Wearable Sensor Applications” recommended by Science reports 2016, in May issue.

- PhD.student Sekine received a 【presentation awards】 at The33rd FMA

- Prof. Tokito gave a keynote talk "Technology Platform for Biosensors Based on Organic FET Devices", "Flexible and Printed Organic Transistors and Applications" at IEEE NANO 2016 in Sendai.

- PhD.student Sekine received a best presentation award "Fully printed ferroelectric capacitors for force-sensor applications" at "The 33rd FMA meeting"

- NIkkei Technology online published Tokto labo's article "Large-area, high-resolution roll-to-roll printing technology" on July, 7.

- NIkkei Technology online published Tokto labo's issue "Printing electronic circuits on three-dimensional or curved, uneven surfaces" on July, 6.

- NIkkei Technology online published Tokto labo's issue "Bucking university stereotypes, Yamagata University’s organic system research" on July, 5.

- Professor Tokito gave an invited talk at "Advanced EC Device Research Division"