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Professor Tokito gave an invited lecture at 9th International Automotive Electronics Technology Expo, 2017(Tokyo, Big sight, Japan) on January 19.

There was coverage relating to the Tokito Lab on each the prefectural evening news TV channels on November 15.

Professor Tokito gave an invited talk on "Biosensor Platform Based on Organic-Effect Transistors" at ESTS2016 held in Melbourne, Anstralia from December 7 to 9.

Yamagata Shimbun published an article titled, "Yamagata University Venture, Full-scale Business Start after Fund Raising of 177 million yen” on November 16.

Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun published on the Tokito Lab, entitled "Towards the Practical Use of 'Wearable Sensors’, Sample Shipment Next Year from a Yamagata University Venture Business” on November 16.

At the university president's regular press conference, there was an announcement relating to the Tokito Lab on, “The Practical Development of Printed Sensors - Future Ink Co., Ltd., Full-Scale Development after Procuring ¥1.7 billion in Funds.”

In November 2016, Professor Tokito and D3 Takeda published the book, “The Latest Wearable Sensing Trends — Development of Power Sources and Materials and their Application to the Medical Healthcare Field and Next-Generation Sensing Technology.“

Professor Kazusuke Maenaka of Hyogo Prefectural University, a foremost researcher on wearable sensors, gave an invited lecture on the subject of "Toward Big Data Society — MEMS Technology and Biomonitor / IOT”, at the 127th Organic Electronics Research Center Meeting on November 11.

On Monday, November 21st, Professor Tokito gave an invited lecture on, “The Fusion of Advanced Sensors and IOT — Utilization of Chemical & Biotechnology Devices and IoT in the Healthcare Field” to the Chemical Materials Evaluation & Research Base (CEREBA) at Akihabara UDX.

Professor Maenaka came to ROEL for lecture. He is a leading importance person of wearable sensor.

Mr. Robin(D2) joined to Tokito lab from October 17 to December 16.

Mr.Sasaki(M1) presented 「Development of a Sensing Surface to Detect Odorants on a Biosensor」and adopted 【Best Oral Award】 at SmaSys2016. Congratulations!!

Professor Tokito gave an invited lecture on “Fundamental Technologies & Application Development for Flexible Printed Electronics” on October 21 at the Imaging Society of Japan’s 3rd 2016 Workshop on Electronic Paper & Flexible Technology, held in Kanda, Tokyo.

Professor Tokito gave an invited talk at Yamagata QUEST Seminar in TOKYO(Tokyo, iidabashi) on 25th of Oct.

Professor Tokito gave an invited talk of "Fundamental Technology of Flexible Printed Electronics and Development of Application" at "The 3rd Imaging Society of Japan, ISJ" in Tokyo, on October 21.

Professor Tokito gave an invited talk at "Yamagata Quest Seminar" in Tokyo, on Oct, 25

Professor Tokito gave an invited talk of "Printed Electronics: OLED, OTFT, New Metallic Interconnect Technologies" at "Electronic Ceramic Process Meeting" in Sophia University, on Dec, 17

Mr. Hiroto SATO joined to Tokito lab as a Technical staff

B3 students Mr. Ichimura, Mr. Yoshida, Mr. Saito, Mr. Sugawara and Mr. Sato joined to Tokito lab since October 1.

Associate Professor Kumaki gave a talk at "JOEM academy 2016" about "high-performance organic integrated circuit technology using printing processes" on 29th of Sep
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