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NIKKEI Technology Online released Professor Tokito's lecture at The 64th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017 on April 21.

Associate Professor Kumaki gave an invited talk "Newly Developed Silver Nanoparticle Ink for Organic TFT Circuits Fabricated with High Resolution Printing System" at ICEP2017(Takinoyu Hotel, Tendo, Yamagata ) on April 19 to 22.

Ms. SASAKI(M2) adopted The 4th Scholarship student at hayashi-rheology Memorial Foundation

Professor Tokito gave a talk at "3D Printed Electronics" in Shinbashi, Tokyo on May 19.

Ms.SASAKI(M2) preseneted a poster at "The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry Conference" in Ryukoku University, Kyoto on May 27 to 28.

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Tokito group changed the official group name to "Tokito. Kumaki. Sekine laboratory" since April 1st, 2017.

Dr. Sekine has joined to Tokito group as an associate professor on April 1.

Dr. Takeda has joined to Tokito group as an assistant professor on April 1.

Mr. Maruyama(M1) and Ms.Sato(M1) have joined to Tokito group on April 1.

Tokito laboratory's Venture【Future Ink Corporation】 released Official web site

Professor Fukuyama from Tokyo University of Science gave a lecture at Mirai Hall in Yamagata Univeristy on April 11.

Professor Taik-Min Lee from Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials (KIMM) gave a lecture at Bld10(4F) in Yamagata University on April 12th.

In May, 26th Professor Tokito give an invited talk "New developments of Flexible. Printed and Organic Electronics" at The Research Association for Organic Devices(TRAD) in Shizuoka University

Professor Tokito gave an invited lecture at NikkeiBP Substrateless Technical Seminar held in Tokyo on March 22.

Professor Tokito gave an invited talk on “The Development of 3D Printed Electronics Technology” at Nikkei BP's Substrate-Free Technology Seminar (planned in Tokyo) on March 22.

Professor Tokito gave a Seminal talk"Fundamenta Technology and Application for Smart Organic Bio-Sensor" at Finetech Japan 2017 in Tokyo Big Sight on April 6.

Ms. Yui SASAKI(M1) gave an oral presentation at "The 97th CSJ Annual Meeting" in Keio university, Hiyoshi campus on March 16 to 19.

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Dr. Sekine's paper "The effect of mechanical strain on contact resistance in flexible printed organic thin-film transistors"selected 【2016 Featured Article】on Flexible and Printed Electronics

Research Collaboration Associate Professor Izumi gave a talk and Mr. Nakamura(B4) present a poster at ICEP2017(Takinoyu Hotel, Tendo, Yamagata ) on April 19 to 22.

Dr. Kato(University of Nutrition Sciences) and Prof. Tokito presented the join research at"The 43th Public Health Meeting" in Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences on March 13.
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