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- NIKKEI Technology Online released Professor Tokito's lecture at The 64th JSAP Spring Meeting, 2017 on April 21.

- Associate Professor Kumaki gave an invited talk "Newly Developed Silver Nanoparticle Ink for Organic TFT Circuits Fabricated with High Resolution Printing System" at ICEP2017(Takinoyu Hotel, Tendo, Yamagata ) on April 19 to 22.

- Ms. SASAKI(M2) adopted The 4th Scholarship student at hayashi-rheology Memorial Foundation

- Professor Tokito gave a talk at "3D Printed Electronics" in Shinbashi, Tokyo on May 19.

- Ms.SASAKI(M2) preseneted a poster at "The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry Conference" in Ryukoku University, Kyoto on May 27 to 28.

- Tokito group changed the official group name to "Tokito. Kumaki. Sekine laboratory" since April 1st, 2017.

- Dr. Sekine has joined to Tokito group as an associate professor on April 1.

- Dr. Takeda has joined to Tokito group as an assistant professor on April 1.

- Mr. Maruyama(M1) and Ms.Sato(M1) have joined to Tokito group on April 1.

- Tokito laboratory's Venture【Future Ink Corporation】 released Official web site

- Professor Fukuyama from Tokyo University of Science gave a lecture at Mirai Hall in Yamagata Univeristy on April 11.

- Professor Taik-Min Lee from Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials (KIMM) gave a lecture at Bld10(4F) in Yamagata University on April 12th.

- In May, 26th Professor Tokito give an invited talk "New developments of Flexible. Printed and Organic Electronics" at The Research Association for Organic Devices(TRAD) in Shizuoka University

- Professor Tokito gave an invited lecture at NikkeiBP Substrateless Technical Seminar held in Tokyo on March 22.

- Professor Tokito gave an invited talk on “The Development of 3D Printed Electronics Technology” at Nikkei BP's Substrate-Free Technology Seminar (planned in Tokyo) on March 22.

- Professor Tokito gave a Seminal talk"Fundamenta Technology and Application for Smart Organic Bio-Sensor" at Finetech Japan 2017 in Tokyo Big Sight on April 6.

- Ms. Yui SASAKI(M1) gave an oral presentation at "The 97th CSJ Annual Meeting" in Keio university, Hiyoshi campus on March 16 to 19.

- Dr. Sekine's paper "The effect of mechanical strain on contact resistance in flexible printed organic thin-film transistors"selected 【2016 Featured Article】on Flexible and Printed Electronics

- Research Collaboration Associate Professor Izumi gave a talk and Mr. Nakamura(B4) present a poster at ICEP2017(Takinoyu Hotel, Tendo, Yamagata ) on April 19 to 22.

- Dr. Kato(University of Nutrition Sciences) and Prof. Tokito presented the join research at"The 43th Public Health Meeting" in Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences on March 13.