News List

- Dr. Gábor has joined to Tokito group as an assistant professor on December 1.

- A research result related to seat sensor is displaying in the lobby on the 1st floor of Yonezawa City Hall.

- A research subject related to Assistant Professor Sekine(Research Representative) titled " Creation of Soft Robotics Tactile Sensor by Polymer nanocomposites" was adopted to ATI Research Grant by Foundation Advanced Technology Institute. Congratulations!

- A research subject related to Assistant Professor Sekine(Research Representative) titled "Development of Stretchable Acceleration Sensor for Robot skin in order to match Industry4.0" was adopted to A-STEP Tryout by Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST). Congratulations!

- Assistant Professor Sekine was received the 9th New Chemical Technology Encouraging Award related to a research of Electronics Materials which support smart society "A development of biomimetic printing skin device for efficient acquisition of cyber data"

- Congratulations! Professor Tokito was appointed to the 25th associate member of Science Council of Japan.

- We will exhibit the latest research achievement at the exhibition JFlex 2021(Tokyo Big sight) during December 9-11.

- A research subject related to Associate Professor Nagamine(Research Representative) titled "Smart Digital Health Sensing Research Center " was adopted by YU-COE fiscal 2020, a research support program of Yamagata University.

- A result of joint research between ARKEMA(FRANCE) and our Lab. was published in Arkema's new magazine “Innovative With”.

- An article related to our laboratory's project titled "Yamagata University developed an electronic slip with sensor utilized printing technology." was published in an E-mail Newsletter of Sangyo Times Inc.

- N-type organic semiconductors with high electron mobility TU-1 and TU-3 developed by our laboratory were commenced sales by Sigma-Aldrich Japan inc. and Tokyo Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.

- Mr.Katsuhiro Sato has joined our laboratory as a Project Researcher.

- Professor Tokito was commissioned as a Research Fellow by the Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo.

- Mr. Shuichi Maeda has joined our laboratory as a Visiting Proffessor.

- Ms.Yilan Zhou has joined our laboratory as an Office Assistant.

- A research archeivement related to Assistant Professor Wang was published in website of "Electro pages".

- Keynote speech related to Professor Tokito at Japan MID Association(Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, November 1,2019) titled "Creation and expectation of 3D printed electronics technology" was introduced in "Information site for surface modification to improve mst mechanical properties".

- Research subject related to Assistant Professor Sekine (Research Representative) titled " Development of soft multi-sensor and application of digital skin for robotics automation" was adopted for Research Grant 2019 by The Mikiya Science and technology foundation. Congratulations!

- Our laboratory, Printed device research department, won the Grand Prix in JFlex awards2020.

- An article related to Tokito Lab was posted to Yonezawa Shimbun on January 27.