News List

- Professor Emeritus Otsubo Yasufumi(Chiba University) gave a lecture as a Guest Speaker at The 162th ROEL Lecture Session on November 14.

- Dr.Satoru Tsuiki gave a lecture as a Guest Speaker at The 161st ROEL Lecture Session on November 9.

- An article related to Rei Shiwaku 3rd-year doctor course student was released on web magazine, Nikkei xTECH.

- Ms. Kaori Myoga has joined our laboratory as a Research Support Staff.

- Mr. Mikio Masuichi (from SAMCO Inc.) become a visiting associate professor in Tokito lab.

- Ms. Eiko Shimanuki has joined our laboratory as a Technical Assistant.

- Mr. Toshinari Chiba has joined our laboratory as a Project Researcher.

- Ms. Varvara Salonikidou has joined our laboratory as an Internship-Student.

- An article related to Tokito group titled" 行程数半減、積層構造をなくした有機インバーター回路" was released on NiKKEI×TECH(cross tech) on October 11.

- Professor Takao Nishikawa has joined our laboratory.

- Seventeen Bachelor students(B3) were joined to Tokito group.

- Associate Professor Fukushima (Tohoku University) gave a lecture as a Guest Speaker at The ROEL Lecture Session on September 27.

- Assistant Professor Sekine and D3student Shiwaku gave a commemorative lecture and received certificates, plaques, of "The 44th Japan Society of Applied Physics 2018 Young Scientist Presentation Award". Congratulations!

- The article related to our laboratory was published to Nikkei Shinbun newspaper on September 6.

- The reports related to our laboratory was broadcast on NHK local evening news on September 6.

- At the YU President's regular press conference, An article related to our lab. titled "A research on printable electronic circuit of Yamagata University was adopted by MEXT" was released.

- Mr. Yusei Ukawa has joined our laboratory as a Visiting Researcher.

- The article related to Professor Tokito was published in Yamagata Shimbun newspaper on August 25. (Saturday)

- Mr. Mika-Matti Laurilla has joined our laboratory as an Internship-Student.

- Research subjects of Professor Tokito's group(Yamagata univ.) and Yamagata Pref. was adopted as MEXT's "Regional Innovation Eco-system formation program".